Dr. Fumihiro Matsu’ura
sulfur isotope geochemistry including,1) Elucidating sulfur isotope fractionation mechanism of microbial sulfate reduction,2) Reconstruction of paleo-oceanic environment using sulfur isotope and XAFS analyses.
B-215, Modern Engineering Plaza
E-mail: matsuura.f@nju.edu.cn
Dr. Haoran Ma
Application of Orbitrap in isotope geochemistry, Biogeochemical cycle of Snowball Earth, Influence of diagenesis
B-215, Modern Engineering Plaza
E-mail: mahaoran@nju.edu.cn
Dr. Guanghui Wu
Evolution of supercontinent, triple oxygen isotope in silicate rocks and applications of big data and artificial intelligence in geology
B-215, Modern Engineering Plaza
E-mail: wugh@nju.edu.cn